
society plant

Image of society plant Image of society plant

18 x 24” airbrushed and acrylic gouache on canvas

neurotypicals, people of privilege (to varying and also relative degrees), and those without the worry of poverty like you and I have experienced and have lived through for years, if not our entire lives. I like to call these people as an abstract general populous, "society plants," as they require the least amount of social and governmental in order for them to be contributors to their prescribed economic and social bodies. in other words, to fit in, to camouflage societally is to be a "functioning member of society." fit the status quo, do what youre told, reap the benefits of your privilege, and die content enough to say you lived a good life. this is the reward for conforming and for being on the top of the ladder of whatever pedigree you may be analyzing— wealth, class, emotional consistency, physical vigor, etc. but some people were streamlined to the top because of their family and upbringing.

as one body, as a unified agent, let's continue to recognize and challenge the society plant, both in concept and in our analysis of those in our lives that we may find ourselves comparing ourselves to or resenting because of their disproportionate catalog of success relative to your own. because your time is coming.